Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Some Fine Women and a little sweetnees

Over the weekend I got to meet some great St. Louis Bloggers. I had a great time sitting and chatting with Lisa, Jaelithe, Michelle, Linlee, Kristie, and Raquita.

I didn't bring a camera, so if you are interested in seeing pictures click on over to Lisa, Linlee, or Kristie. I can't wait to do it again!


On another note here is a conversation that Munchkin had with his 3 year old cousin this weekend.

Cousin: Where is your dad?

Munchkin: Over there. (pointing to LD)

Cousin: Where is your mom?

Munchkin: Shopping.

This is the second time Munchkin has referred to LD as his father and it is such a relief to me. It lets me know that Munchkin is okay with my future wedding and that he is already considering LD his father.


Lisa said...

Yeay. Your little man sounds so sweet and wonderful.

It was fun meeting you. Hope we can do it again.

Michelle said...

Awww...that's too cute and wonderful. It's hard worrying about integrating your child in with your future husband and it's awesome when it works out like that.

And, of course, it was awesome meeting you...I, too, hope we can do it again. I had a great time.

mist1 said...

LD is my daddy too.

Okay, he's not, but I just felt like saying that.

Jaelithe said...

Oh, that is great to read. I smile every time I hear my own little brother call his stepfather "Dad." (I say his stepfather, and not my stepfather, because my mother met him after I had graduated college, so, unfortunately for me, he didn't get to do any father-type stuff for me).

I only wish I'd had a decent stepfather to take my bio-dad's place.

weatherchazer said...

That is so wonderful! It frightens me at times thinking about if something happened to hubby (him being a cop), would I even try to find another man to bring in my childrens' lives? At least it seems to be working for you.

Anonymous said...

I bet LD likes that too :)

I checked out some of the pictures....looks like you guys had fun