Thursday, July 05, 2007


I am off to Florida for 10 days. We are visiting Disney and then we get to go on the Disney Cruise. I can't wait. Although I am sure when I get back to work I will be exhausted and need a vacation from my vacation.

I will make sure to try to remember all the stories and maybe I will finally figure out how to put pictures up. LD's family is sure to give me some great posts.


weatherchazer said...

Dear God I hope you packed the sunscreen! The last time I went to Florida, I came back a lobster!

Anonymous said...

You lucky duck....hope you're having a blast!

LAC said...

OMG, I am such a dork. I had linked you on my sidebar so I could easily pop over and see what was new on your blog. Apparently I linked to just one post and I thought all along you weren't posting. OMG, most severe blonde moment ever.

I've fixed it, and I am catching up on the posts I have missed.

Hope you're having a great time in Disney... take some pictures for us!

tiffany said...


Lisa said...

Soooo... How was it? Am dying to know.

weatherchazer said...

Hope Florida was fun- fill us in!

R said...

That's the thing about vacations, isn't it? They leave you exhausted!